Saturday, April 12, 2014

First Time In Colledge

  Human life was very simple in the beginning. Man lived in caves or jungles. Then he started making huts. He hunted for his food. He wore leaves of plants or trees. He travelled on foot. Human population increased. Then by and by, man started thinking of making things better. With the passage of time, he went on improving things. With the help of science, he made many things for his ease and comfort. There was a great revolution, especially during the last few centuries.
          With the invention of computers, the speed of progress increased many-fold. When we speak of information technology, we usually refer to computers. Most of us do not know the real meaning of I.T. We do not know the difference between computers and information technology. These things are inter-related. Computers are the roots and fruit. Information technology means, “Data or information processed and forwarded through computers”.
          Now let us see what a computer means. Computer is a device or a machine that processes a data. It can also store data in its memory. It calculates things very fast. It can solve Mathematical problems in seconds. It is a useful machine which helps us in almost every field of life. It has become a part and parcel of modern technology. We need computers in schools, colleges and offices. We need them in our factories and mills. We need them for our defense. We need them in our communication. We need them every where.
          All these things speak of computers and importance of computer education. It seems that without
My First Day in College

            Life is full of memories; pleasant and unpleasant. Some of the memories are forgotten easily. But, there are some memories that go a long way in life. They are ever green in mind. We can recall them any time, any where. First day in college and the last day in college are very important in one’s life.
          My first day in college is still green in my mind. I can never forget it. It is important for many known and unknown reasons. It was a pleasant day when I entered the college compound. I was a little bit confused to see the grand building. Some students were sitting in the college lawn; some reading and others just chatting.
          I went to a student whom I saw near the gate. I told him that I wanted to get admission. I requested him to guide me. He was a naughty boy. He took me to the reading room. There he told his friends that I wanted to get admission. They started laughing. They said, “Why don’t you tell him”. One of them was a very cooperative boy. He looked serious to me. He took me to the office. He got me a prospectus. He filled out the form for me. Then we submitted it.
          When all this was over, I asked him his name. He told me his name. I thanked him and tried to leave. He said, “No, my dear! Not yet”. He took me to the college cafĂ©. There he offered me tea.
          It is many months since we met, but he is still my friend. He is a business-man now. I am still in the process of learning. I can’t forget this friend, nor my first day in college when he met me.

(share from someone)

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