Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pepperdine University

Executive MBA

Ranked 23rd in the world by Bloomberg Businessweek, Pepperdine's Executive MBA delivers a full MBA experience in 19

months with a format and curriculum that fits the strategic needs and challenging schedules of busy executives. With

two locations to choose from – one in the heart of Los Angeles and the other in the Bay Area – you can pursue your

EMBA close to your current business or one you'd like to enter. Consider what you get:

Our dedicated faculty of business scholars and some of the most experienced executives and entrepreneurs in Los

Angeles will bring their up-to-the-minute knowledge and skills directly to the classroom.
Executive mentorship. Each incoming class in Pepperdine's MBA for executives is assigned a class advisor who will offer

guidance throughout the program. Class advisors are EMBA graduates and are drawn from a talented cadre of

entrepreneurs and business executives with a wealth of valuable experience and connections to share.
Our focus on your business. Pepperdine's "live case study" program makes your company the focus of an intensive

research and consulting project that will be one of the capstones of your EMBA experience.
Our global perspective. Develop your cross-cultural business acumen by taking an international research trip.
Our two great locations let you study in the heart of the Los Angeles or in the high-tech incubator of the Bay Area.
Presidents and Key Executives MBA

To meet the specific needs of presidents, CEOs and senior executives, Pepperdine offers the Presidents and Key

Executives (PKE) MBA. It’s the first and only MBA program designed exclusively for top-level executives charged with

strategic decision-making and driving bottom line results. The program offers:

A special focus on the strategic challenges faced by company presidents and senior executives.
An accelerated schedule that takes you from the first day of class to degree completion in just 15 months.
A dedicated faculty that understands the issues senior executives must address as they lead their companies in a

challenging economy.
A peer group of accomplished senior executives and entrepreneurs who will become a career-long part of your business

A class advisor who is both a president or senior executive and a graduate of the PKE program, and can help you derive

maximum benefit from the program.
If you're ready to take your company and your career to the next level of success, there's no better route than a

Pepperdine Executive MBA or Presidents and Key Executives MBA.

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